android utility pro shakeel file,

Android Utlity PRO [AUP] Version 156.00.4566:30:09:2024
Added :
- Dump MTK Hardware keys from PRELOADER mode (RPMB, FDE, iTrustee/FBE(KM), Provision) keys.
- A custom DA file is required for the operation.
Thanks to Bjorn Bkerler for the DXCC Crypto API implementation.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v155.00.4555]:
Added :
- Dump MTK Hardware keys from BootROM mode (RPMB,FDE,iTrustee,Provision) keys.
Thanks to Bjorn Kerler (mtk-client) for the DXCC Crypto implementation…
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v154.00.4512]:
SamUniSoC Tool - UST
- Samsung UniSoC T610 Force BROM
- Samsung UniSoC T610 Exit BROM
- Samsung UniSoC T610 Remove F-R-P without testpoint (works for SM-X200/X205, SM-T509).. only
- Samsung UniSoC T610 Change SN from BROM mode.
- Samsung Change SN from MTP mode without adb.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v152.02.4502 : 22.07.2024]:
- Nokia NB0 Firmware Extract.
- Nokia Reboot Fastboot to FastbootD
- Nokia Reboot FastbootD to Recovery
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v146.00.4455]:
There was a problem of missing TAB A7 SM-T509 option
Samsung UniSoC Force BROM
On some devices. It has been resolved ..
Cucumber is available in the last edition.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v144.00.4444]:
Samsung Galaxy A03 Core, Unisoc SC9863A
And you need to do it without breaking the back or reaching a test point, you can handle it in the same way .. Provided you have a pandora to get out of the bottrom mode.
The steps
- UniSoC Force BROM (Android Utility)..
When you are the connector of MTP device, even if it is F-R-P, it will enter with you the Botrom mode. -He will finally break up-
- Later, the operation I needed on Pandora.
- Then you prepare the BL file with the same protection and extract the uboot-spl-16k sector from it and rename it to sploader. bin doing restore from backup on Pandora’s Box..
- Or you can write the BL file using the Write TAR option, but the first method is preferred, because even if there is a difference in the build number, the sploader file is with the same protection version, it works with all versions.
- It is necessary to have Pandora exclusively, because if the Botroom enters through Android Utility, it will only be able to access Pandora loaders-
- The method I'm trying on A032F/A035F/T509/X200 so far and mostly works with all Samsung UNISOC devices..
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v140.00.3611]:
Solve the problem of stopping device in this stage when attempting Exit BROM:
Sending Auth-data Ok...
Download BlDr(0) Download BlDr ok(EXEC)...
EXEC BlDr Done...
Download BlDr(1) Download BlDr ok(EXEC)...
EXEC BlDr Done...
⦿- I'm using usb3
ف- I use excellent USB cable or not port or device..
⦿- check the definitions
⦿- Beyond Any USBHub
⦿- Make sure you use Desktop (

) PC not Laptop (

) - This point is very important, you can operate, for example, 10 devices, and because of it, you find one or two devices that stand at this stage, and the device is stuck on the Botrom mode.
. - Repeat the process more than once, or leave the device for an hour without connecting any USB, and try again.
ث- USB-reset is required after each attempt - press all buttons together for 20-30 seconds - before restarting the process again and plug in -without- pressing vol up+vol down.
The problem happened with many users and has been solved in various ways, including the ones explained above. The problem is related to the preparation of the RAM, and it can be radically solved in the upcoming updates, God willing.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v138.00.3488:17:04:2024]:
⦿ added SM-T509 S2 factory reset without test-point (Force/Exit BootROM mode).
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v135.00.3462] :
Samsung SPRD force BROM
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v134.00.3444] :
Samsung SPRD force BROM
Option works with all Samsung devices - UniSoC.
SM-T509 U1/S2
same principle -all protections-..
But the most important point,
To get out of bottom mode you need Pandora Box..
BL file will be used
After unpacking the file you will find uboot-spl-16k in it, change its name to splloader. bin and after that you will do restore from backup on Pandora .. After completing the procedure that I need in this situation.
Of course, the process in short is to delete the splloader segment, that means definitively disconnecting the mobile from the MTP mode, the purpose of which is to enter the SPRD DIAG bottom mode without the need to connect testpoint or unlock the device.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v133.00.2888] :
Android Utility v133.00.2888 (SM-T509 format) Infinity cards only (one week)
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v124.00.2044:01:12:2023] :
⦿ added Samsung Galaxy A14 (A145RXXS4) BIT 4 (Force/Exit) BROM.
⦿ added Huawei Hisilicon Read & write firmware and DUMP via fast boot mode.
Android Utility PRO (AUP) - [v122.00.2022:11:11:2023] :
⦿~ added MTK create BOOT region for JTAG [BOOT1,BOOT2 - LUN0,LUN1); (DUMP) from preloader file.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A13 (SM-A137F) BIT 3 (Force/Exit) BROM.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A34 (SM-A346B) BIT 4 (Force/Exit) BROM.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A34 (SM-A346E) BIT 4 (Force/Exit) BROM.
Shakeel File, Guarantee that the Mobile/Pc Apps, Firmware, Flash Tools, Software or any other files on this page are 100% correct But use "At your own risk".
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