XLtel X82 Firmware (Flash File)

Xltel X82 Android 2.3.5 - SPD8810_6820 - HYNIX H8BCS0UN0MCR - Firmware - Flash File

Xltel X82 Android 2.3.5 - SPD8810_6820 - HYNIX H8BCS0UN0MCR - Firmware - Flash File:

The stock firmware shared on naijarom.com helps you to re-install the Mobile Operating System on your Mobile Device. It also allows you to fix your Mobile device if it has any software error issue, IMEI error issue, Bootloop issue, and a mobile dead issue.


How to install Firmware (ROM):

1. Download and extract the Xltel X82 Stock ROM on the computer.
2. Once you have successfully extracted the Stock ROM on the computer, you will get the Flash File, Flash Tool, USB Driver, How-to Flash Manual.
3. Install the provided USB Driver on the computer. If you have already installed the respective USB Driver on the computer, then SKIP this step.
4. Follow the How-to Flash Manual to flash the Stock ROM on the Xltel X82 device.



If you are about to flash or install the above firmware on your device, then take a backup. As flashing or installing the firmware may wipe the data from the device.

Downloads Information: 

File Name: Xltel - X82 - v2.3.5 - SPD8810_6820 - HYNIX H8BCS0UN0MCR.7z
File Size: 123.7 MB
CPU: SPD8810_6820
Boot Key: Volume Buttons 
Flash Tool: Download
Drivers: Download
Get Link: Download
Password: Free



Scanning USB Serial port...
  SU2Serial Port: COM15
  Connecting to Phone,Wait..
  Infor: SPRD3
  Initialize boot13...
  CPU    type: 8810/6820
  Flash  type: NAND
  Flash    ID: 00AD00BC
  Flash Model: HYNIX H8BCS0UN0MCR
  Flash  Size: 0x21000000(528.0M)
  Read Completed.
>>File save to: C:\Users\Shakeel\Desktop\8810_6820_HYNIX H8BCS0UN0MCR.bin

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