Rivo MTK Feature (Keypad) Phone Firmware (Flash File)

Rivo Rhythm RX65 Android 4.4.2 MT6582 S003 EMMC - Firmware - Flash File

On this page, you will find the official link to Download Rivo Rhythm RX65 Stock Firmware ROM (flash file) on your Computer. Firmware comes in a zip package containing Flash File, Flash Tool, USB Driver, and How-to Flash Manual.

Rivo Rhythm RX65 Stock Firmware (flash file)

The Flash File will help you Upgrade, Downgrade, or re-install the Stock Firmware (OS) on your Mobile Device. The Flash File (ROM) also helps you repair the Mobile device if facing any Software Issue, Bootloop Issue, IMEI Issue, or Dead Issue.


How to Flash or Install Firmware (ROM)

  1. Download and extract the Rivo Rhythm RX65 stock firmware package on the computer.
  2. After extracting the package, you will be able to get the Firmware File, Flash Tool, Driver, and How-to Flash Guide.
  3. Install the provided USB Driver on the Computer (if the USB Driver is already installed, then SKIP this step).
  4. Follow the How-to Flash Manual to Flash or install the Firmware on your Rivo Rhythm RX65 device.
Rivo Rhythm RX65 Android 4.4.2 MT6582 S003 EMMC - Firmware - Flash File


Device Brand   : RHYTHM
Device Model   : RHYTHM_RX65
Device CPU     : MT6582
Device IntName : RX65
Device Version : 4.4.2
Device Compile : 4/13/2015 11:04:15 AM
Device Project : RIVO_RHYTHM_RX65_S003
Device ExtInfo : RHYTHM RX65
Rivo - Rhythm - RX65 - v4.4.2 - MT6582 - S003 - EMMC

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